AI Recruitment Copilot

Talent acquisition's full-time subject matter expert

Recruiter Dashboard Screenshot
Recruiter Dashboard Screenshot
Role Requirements Screenshot

"Searchless saved me a lot of time. It takes great effort to find good candidates, so this is very valuable to me. One recent engineer we hired is excellent, very well-rounded, and everybody likes working with her. Overall, great product!"

- Farrokh Mansouri, Head of Data Science, COMMB

Candidate List Screenshot

Save Hiring Teams Time

Searchless is talent acquistion's full-time, AI-based subject matter expert.

It interviews applicants to assess specific competencies at a deeper level. No more time wasted trying to convince hiring managers of your decisions, or wondering why a perfectly good candidate wasn't selected.

Integrate with your ATS

Imagine Searchless as another member of your recruitment team.

We will set up your Searchless account so that it integrates with your existing ATS and workflows.

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Modernize your talent acquisition today

Let's connect to talk about your business use case, and how much time can be saved in your existing recruitment process.